New Home, Cheaper Rent

June 27, 2018

Squarespace is a great platform for sharing and updating content, but it also comes at a price. To cut costs where possible, will be moving to its new home as a GitHub page. The main reason for the move is simple, cost. GitHub pages are free and it’s quick to get started, just follow the steps outlined on the Jekyll Now repository on GitHub.

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Biking Berlin How To See Berlin In 6 Hours

October 5, 2016

We love Berlin! There is relaxed vibe that draws you in and keeps you wanting more. With such a relaxed vibe you could spend weeks taking your time to explore every nook and cranny of the city. However, when wanting to see the world in a year, spending weeks in one city is not an always option for us and usually not an options for others as well. To help see more of Berlin, a city filled with so much unique history, we decided to take a 6 hour bike tour through Fat Tire. We had never used Fat Tire Tours before and thought, “what the heck, let’s try it out!” We are glad we did.

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Unique Ways Our Family Follows Our Journey

September 30, 2016

We have been so excited to see how our family has become inspired to come up with neat and fun ways to follow our trip around the world. It means the world to us to have so much support from the ones we love the most. Thank you to our family! We love you so much!

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5 Ways We Prevent Homesickness

September 26, 2016

One of the fears of being abroad for a year is coming down with a bad case of homesickness. Prior to us leaving for our world tour we had not spent much more than 2-weeks away from home at one time, which really isn’t enough time to get homesick. However, when Kevin was 15 he spent a month in Germany visiting family and remembered at about week three he started to miss home. Well, lucky for us we surpassed three weeks and now start our third month homesick free. Here are five things we find ourselves doing often that we believe are preventing us from catching the homesick bug.

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